We took a short vocabulary quiz onUnit 4 today and continued with our discussion of Watership Down.
Today's episode looks at the arrival of Holly from the Sandleford Warren, the continuing evolution of Hazel as a leader and the bonds of the team as they grow through adversity. Notable quote: "There was no more questioning of Bigwig's strength, Fiver's insight, Blackberry's wits or Hazel's authority" (123).
You can find the notes of today's discussion on the wikispace.
- Assign each character in the Watership Down warren to one or more roles listed below
- Which one(s) are you? Explain in a paragraph
Chief: tends to take charge, lead activities, organize others and give instruction- Warrior- works to protect the group from outside threat
- Seer/Critic- helps the group decide where to go, remember their mission
- Storytellers- keeps morale up; tells jokes and stories to buoy spirits, inspire
- Inventors/technologists: develops tools and system to help the group function
- Diplomats- keeps the peace within the group
- Followers- take instruction- do work- look for ways to help
In the first paragraph you need a space between "on" and "Unit." Currently it reads "We took a short vocabulary quiz onUnit 4..."