Thursday, October 30, 2008

CYCLE 8 - DAY 3 - SEM 1 - Watership Down 121-149

We took a short vocabulary quiz onUnit 4 today and continued with our discussion of Watership Down.

Today's episode looks at the arrival of Holly from the Sandleford Warren, the continuing evolution of Hazel as a leader and the bonds of the team as they grow through adversity. Notable quote: "There was no more questioning of Bigwig's strength, Fiver's insight, Blackberry's wits or Hazel's authority" (123).

You can find the notes of today's discussion on the wikispace.


  1. Assign each character in the Watership Down warren to one or more roles listed below
  2. Which one(s) are you? Explain in a paragraph

  • Chief: tends to take charge, lead activities, organize others and give instruction
  • Warrior- works to protect the group from outside threat
  • Seer/Critic- helps the group decide where to go, remember their mission
  • Storytellers- keeps morale up; tells jokes and stories to buoy spirits, inspire
  • Inventors/technologists: develops tools and system to help the group function
  • Diplomats- keeps the peace within the group
  • Followers- take instruction- do work- look for ways to help

1 comment:

  1. In the first paragraph you need a space between "on" and "Unit." Currently it reads "We took a short vocabulary quiz onUnit 4..."
