Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Today, we watched the end of Act V. Macbeth is finally conquered. We watched scenes 4-8 today, and then went over the text. We spent particular attention over Macbeth's soliloquy "Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow...," one of Shakespeare's most famous. Here, we see Macbeth at the natural philosophical end of the path he has chosen (or not chosen, if you think him demonically possessed)--a life empty of honor, dignity, and purpose. His words are stirring and sad. I asked you to play around with the soliloquy, looking at how emphasizing different words change the meaning.

Here is the soliloquy again:

And yet, rather than take his own life, as his wife does, he battles on. Why?

PART 1 of 2
Write a journal entry on ONE of the following topics. Your journal entry must contain two quotations (cite them properly):

  1. Why does Macbeth continue to fight, long after he knows all is lost? (Do you admire him for this?); OR,
  2. How do you know in Act V that the Great Chain of Being is being restored?

PART 2 of 2
Select an important quote from each scene from scenes 4-8 and enter it on the wikispace.

On Tuesday, March 10th, Group 4 will be meeting with the Sixth Graders to work with them on the Witches scene. Watch your mailbox for information on Monday!

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