Monday, January 12, 2009


Today in class, we covered the last 5 words of unit 6. Our quiz will be at the end of the week.

Then, I had you break up into small groups and discuss the two articles on trash television. I asked you to identify how each author appealed to you--logically, ethically, and/or emotionally. I then asked you to discuss which of the essays is better and why. While you had some strong opinions on these essays, you had a hard time explaining those opinions. Your answers indicated that a better understanding of basic rhetoric would be quite helpful in explicating these essays on a structural level. So, tomorrow, we will work our way through the introduction. It might not be riveting, but it will be extremely useful.

On Wednesday, we'll talk about the Tannen essay and the Politt essay that I'll assign tomorrow night ("Why Boys Don't Play with Dolls"). Thursday, we'll do some brainstorming about topics of interest to you.

1. Write sentences on the wikispace
2. Bring your sentence diagramming book to class tomorrow
3. Read Deborah Tannen's essay "Coversational Styles" on pages 231-238 of The Seagull Reader.
4. Take notes on the class dynamic in each of your classes using the worksheet passed out in class and made available on the wikispace (scroll to end of page).


  1. when is the class dynamic worksheet due? I took notes today but there isn't very much.

  2. Hi Taylor. The sheet is due WEDNESDAY. Don't worry if you haven't gotten oodles of data; enough to capture the typical dynamic in class should suffice.
